Bought (2015)

Modern industrialization is no longer about steam power, ocean ships, and railways. It’s about herd immunization, the mass drugging of our population, and the industrialized production of cheap, storable food. We’ve ended up with an entire society getting sicker and sicker while the industrial powers get richer and richer. But if anyone dares question these remarkable correlations then they are labeled anti-science and ignorant.

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Marketing Madness: Are We All Insane? (2010)

The definitive documentary on psychotropic drugging-this is the story of the high-income partnership between drug companies and psychiatry which has created an $80 billion profit from the peddling of psychotropic drugs to an unsuspecting public. The documentary exposes the truth behind the slick marketing schemes and scientific deceit that conceal a dangerous and often deadly sales campaign.

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Sweet Misery A Poisoned World (2004)

Narrator Cori Brackett had a strange cause-and-effect experience with the diet cokes she was drinking and quickly found herself disabled and diagnosed with MS. Slowly able to walk and speak again, she believes her illness is linked to aspartame. She is a co-owner of a video/film production company. After 7000 miles, and 25 hours of footage, “Sweet Misery” will reveal one of the most pervasive, insidious forms of corporate negligence since tobacco.

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Vaxxed 1 and 2 (2019)

An investigation into how the CDC, the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens, destroyed data on a 2004 study that showed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. This alarming deception has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism, potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime.

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Selling Sickness: An Ill For Every Pill (2005)

SELLING SICKNESS exposes the unhealthy relationship between society, medical science and the pharmaceutical industry.

Shyness becomes branded as ‘Social Anxiety Disorder,’ constant worry becomes ‘Generalized Anxiety Disorder,’ and premenstrual tension is now ‘Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.’ The sale of SSRI anti-depressant medications used to treat these and other diseases, such as Paxil, Zoloft and Prozac, has become an annual $20 billion market.

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